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Drug is killing youth


When we hear the term "Drug" everyone turns mum but the fact is medicine is also known as drug. One Drug can cure you from diseases and another can kill you. "Drug" originates from the Old French term "drogue”, which means medicinal plants preserved as dry matter in barrels. Excess to anything is always bad at every point. We use drugs for curing ourselves but excess drugs in our body can work in reverse order and damage our body totally. Our society is dealing with these huge crises. Generally, people take drugs to cure their bodies of unwanted pathogens but today's generation has come up with a new logic for that drug synonymous with euphoria. Worldwide this is a huge issue among the youth. In the last 4 decades, India has surged in drug addiction cases.

The United Nations also took this issue in concern and declared 26 July as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in order to sensitize and create awareness. The main aim of the United Nation is to treat, drafting of educational material, and training of medical and paramedical staff to generate the future workforce to deal with the problem of drug abuse and their consequences.

Let's discuss the drug which is not good for our body, Alcohol, cannabis, opium, cocaine, Marijuana, Inhalants and heroin are the major drugs misused in India. Buprenorphine, propoxyphene, and heroin are the most commonly injected drugs. According to the survey, it's estimated that 62.5 million people use alcohol, 8.75 million use cannabis, 2 million use opiates, and 0.6 million use sedatives or hypnotics. 17% to 26% of these people can be classified as dependent users who need urgent treatment, says the report. About 25% of users of opiates and cannabis are likely to seek treatment, while about one in six people who drink alcohol are likely to do so.

In this drug issue, teenagers are contributing major part, some of the main reason of indulging in drug illicit are -

  • Feel good

  • Sometimes family issues

  • Relieve boredom

  • Feel grown up

  • Forget their troubles and relax

  • Satisfy their curiosity

  • Ease their pain

  • Show their independence

  • To show off.

  • Victim of bullying or cyberbullying

  • Low self-esteem

  • Permissive parenting


In this drug issue, Youth are playing a vital role, some of the reason came after the survey are-

  • Being in a bad mood

  • Quickly changing between feeling bad and feeling good

  • Missing important work

  • Having problems at the workplace, love-life, family relationships, and many more

  • Bullying by others

  • Unemployment.

We should protect our Teenagers and youth to indulge in drug addiction. We have to work hard and together to fight against this issue. Nothing is impossible, we need to understand the situation and work accordingly. We can fix it-

  • The non-acceptance of the issue (of drug abuse) and the refusal to believe that it could literally happen to anyone, is what needs to change.

  • More dialogue, conversation, communication, and acceptance is the most important factor.

  • come forward  Willingly to rectify the issue.

  • Understand the new generation's issues and try to solve them by themselves.

  • Parents are always protective and it's good but sometimes we have to listen to their children too.

  • Depression is also trending in Indians and finally, people are coming out and sharing their thoughts which is a positive sign.

  • Effective alcohol and drug education programs should run in educational institutes.

  • Setting limits, to teach your children self-control and responsibilities, provide safe boundaries, and show them that you care.

Let us come together for this big issue and take care of each other. Problems can not be too big if we cordially work for the solution. No drug can be the solution to any problem of life. We can deal with it in a better way by our strength and will.



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