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The Art of Teaching

The Art of Teaching by Just Pure Nothing Else
          “” गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः “”

                     (GururBrahma ,GururVishnu, GururDevo Maheshwaraha
              Guru Saakshaat ,ParamBrahma ,Tasmai Shri Gurve Namaha)

In Hinduism – Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva all three are teachers. The teacher is the representative of the Supreme Being. They give us knowledge and destroy ignorance. I salute such a teacher.

To convey knowledge one to another is the process of teaching. In Hinduism four Vedas are mentioned which is a sign of knowledge. Vedas gives us knowledge on how to live in society and make the worth of your life by using learning in the right direction. Knowledge is a big ocean that can never end. When it comes to gaining knowledge by someone that person is far more important than others and superior too. The person who gives us knowledge known as TEACHER.  This profession faced lots of challenges. When a child is introduced in this world-first teacher always be their Mother. Mother gives basic knowledge like how to eat, how to speak, how to walk, and many more before entering schooling education.

When you enter into the school you interact with a new person that’s your teacher.  The teacher earns less for his great and valuable effort. Despite this fact, the teacher gives their full dedication to their work. To give knowledge to someone is not an easy task. Everyone has a different IQ level. They treat every student with different techniques. This art takes a lot of effort and patience. Sometimes teachers shout at their students for misbehaving which is required at some point. Teachers try to engage their students with a positive attitude and tons of enthusiasm. The main goal of the students nowadays is to complete their degree only, but teachers give them direction by developing and motive desires to learn. They come with new examples and activities which give knowledge easily and interactively. There are few point which can justify the ART of teaching-

1. They always smile if something is not good in personal life too.
2. Ready to listen to whatever you have in your mind regarding that topic.
3. Entertain you when it’s required.
4. Crack jokes to make students comfortable.
5. Full of energy when explaining the topic and the entire classroom.

There are lots of acts where you can see how beautifully a Teacher transaction can be done. Sometimes students try to challenge their teacher which is not a good thing. The teacher is also a human being, maybe sometimes they are wrong but we can’t make them laugh or judge them. A human being makes mistakes, don’t you? Don’t judge them but respect them. Teacher is the highest important status in this world. Without knowledge we are nothing.


  1. Nice thought on teacher. .. respect our teachers. .

  2. Such a beautiful article can only be outlined and described by an actual teacher, who respects his teachers very well.

  3. Very nice thought on teachers...👌👌👍

  4. Nice thought on teachers ... Respect our teachers

    1. Thank you so much ..... Teacher gives us direction ,how to fly to achieve your destiny.

  5. Excellent Thought. I hope people would understand it. Because once a noble profession, doesn't have any nobility into it now.

    1. True sir.... Thanks for your kind words... I hope people will understand teachers value.

  6. The 5 points about teacher you mentioned, gives very proper understanding about a teacher.
    For me the 5 points mentioned are the hero of this post:-)
    Wonderful work sir:-)

  7. And I, being a teacher believes that, if the 2nd point is followed properly, then we can educate students with more creativity in them.

  8. Deeply thoughts on teacher.nice��


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