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Shades of Friendship


Shades of Friendship

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”

Muhammad Ali

Friendship is one of the oldest relations on earth. It's recognized as the most important relation after blood relations. A minor after comprehending different emotions and undergoing cognitive growth discovers about friendship. Mother and father gave a great touch of friendship. Friendship is just an emotion that can not be expressed in an article but I am trying to give it a shot. Friendship is a relationship that can never be bought; it's just a state where a person understands each other and is ready to stand beside any situation. At every age, we deal with various kinds of friendships. If we talk about the definition of friendship it will be weird. There are no specific criteria for friendship. It is just about connection, compatibility, trust, and faith. A friend is a confidant, our go-to person when we celebrate or feel overwhelmed. Yes, but I must say there is always a Shades of friendship at every stage of life and the meaning of friendship keeps changing all through life.

Friendship is the relation which has lots of emotion like Love, Care, Anger, Fear, Respect, Naughtiness, Jealousy, Confusion, and many more. No one knows which emotion will come out but in the end, everything will be fine, one must always hold on to it. Friends play different roles in everyone's life. Our senses know who will be the right person for a particular event of life.  Friendship is a fundamental part of everyone’s life. It brings joy and happiness in our life.  Nurturing and maintaining friendships requires a bit of sincere effort and commitment. Life is incomplete without friendship. 

Everyone nowadays is busy with their own life. People make friends for their own sake or tend to take friends for granted. The value of friendship is plummeting. People did not realize the worth of friendship till he/she didn't get lonely. Make some time for your friends. Busy with the work and other commitments that we don’t get time for rapture and renewal with the friends that we already have. But we need to make time for them for ourselves. All it takes is 10 seconds to drop a text or 15 seconds to make a call, make sure you’re always reaching out. 

There are many people if they look at their friend circle looking different now and some years ago. These changes happened with shades of friendship which we all saw in our lives. Shades of friendship are good for our life but we need to figure out which companionship gives us strength and who is giving me a dark side of life. Make sure friendship does not see caste, creed, wealth, status, it’s just seeing your feelings and where you connect. Be wise to not lose your friends because you never know someone can fill that vacant seat of your life.   Many people had such a tough time in their life because sometimes repercussions like the friends you thought you would have for life, all of a sudden they are gone and you all alone. The reason is you didn’t give them your time when they required it. And sometimes things happen in reverse process so better to stick to them than fostering new friendships. 

In life always remember “No matter what you become, where you go but never forget those who helped you when you needed them most. In my opinion, I can say, never be too late. Just pick up the phone, call them or send a message telling them how much you love them and how important they are. Do it right now and please do let me know your shades of friendship. 

  A Friend is one that knows you as you are,   Understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, And still gently allows you to grow"                                    

                   -William Shakespeare


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