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Indian Education Policy for School

Indian Education Policy for School

"To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often" - Winston Churchill 

Our dilapidated, 34-year-old Education Policy is replaced with the Novel Education Policy of 2020  by the Indian government which was originally framed in 1986. The New Education Policy is approved by the union cabinet of the government of India. Vast reforms and new changes are done in schooling and higher education including teaching patterns. Here we will discuss the Indian New Education policy for the school. It is a comprehensive structure to guide and adapt the development of education in the country. Drastic and great changes have been made in school education. The new policy focuses on refurbishing the curriculum, “Easy pattern of Board exams", and reduction in the size of the syllabus to engage “crucial subjects”.  It also provides a thrust on “experiential learning and critical thinking”.

Some important feature of Indian New Educational Policy for Schools -

The new education policy is remarkable and provides the necessary changes required in the current education system. Definitely, if it works properly children will be self-dependent in the future. Students will learn how to survive in society with lots of skills. The whole education policy is concentrated on making education easy. Children fear going to school, and like this many old issues are now resolved in this new education policy. The most important question on this policy is how it will be executed. Execution is the success of this education policy. If it executed in a good manner definitely Indian education system will lead the globe. These changes will bring huge investments into education, and will definitely improve quality and choice.

Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of

 inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students 

and become their role model.” 

                                                                                      - A P J Abdul Kalam


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