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The Indian Lockdown Wedding



The Indian Lockdown Wedding


Have you ever thought that the grand Indian weddings which were always in a race to be a more grand one, will be just stopped! Where a minimum of 500-1000 guests was a normal thing, people will be forced to perform a marriage in between 5-10 people! Where large banquets and marriage gardens were booked, the traditional wedding has to be done inside the walls of your house! Where lakhs and crores of rupees were spent on just a wedding, people ended up with the minimum and lowest cost budgets!


Yes, this has become a reality, and this is called the Indian Lockdown Wedding.


Everything was going awesome and life was going with utmost normalcy, then came the pandemic COVID-19, which brought the Great Lockdown. The coronavirus recession, also known as the COVID-19 recession, the Great Shutdown, or the Great Lockdown, is a major global recession which arose as an economic consequence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  It has caused severe repercussions for economies across the world, but what about those couples whose wedding dates were due in this lockdown period, which were fixed before the Pandemic occurred? Families decided to stay safe according to the guidelines of WHO and National and local government and do not step out of their home even if it's their first cousin's wedding. Also Govt. has laid rules for weddings, in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd phases of lockdown 5 people from bride and 5 from groom's side were allowed and wedding has to be done inside the house with taking proper precautions to protect yourselves, your guests, and your neighbors from any infection. Those who had big dreams to have a grand wedding were allowed to call only that many people how many alphabets there are in the word 'GRAND'.



But if you ask me, I am very happy. I seriously didn't want to waste my money and funds to make grand arrangements for my wedding in which I keep standing in the middle of 1000+ guests with my partner as jokers. I would like to brief you all with some benefits of such not-so-grand weddings:

  1. Saves money- You don't need to spend lakhs of money. Many extra expenses get reduced like written gifts, heavy meals, hotel bookings, travel costs, etc 

  2. Saves you- fewer guests, fewer chances of spreading infections and you can break the chain of virus.

  3. Saves Time and Energy- You don't need to wait for very many guests and you can enjoy your family's wedding happily with your actual relatives who are happy with the wedding by heart. Saves energy as no one needs to rush to the management to see if all arrangements are fine and no one is being left out from being served.

  4. Social cause - You can do something good for the needy people, who are looking for food and daily needs. You can take blessings from them by doing such a good cause for them. 

  5. Invest for the future - If you have funds which you are thinking of investing in a wedding so now you can use it as an investment for prospects. It's worth your future. 

What about the weddings after this COVID season ends?

  1. I wish this should be made a law for some years that limited guests will be allowed at the wedding. 

  2. Married couples should arrange a week food facility for an orphanage or in old homestays, this will really bring best wishes from good hearts for the newly married.

  3. The rituals of giving heavy gifts to relatives or to the bride or groom’s family make the purity of the wedding low, and these must be stopped or reduced in many regions of our country.

  4. Backward families will not get pressure to do dowry or to do much expense just to compete with the wedding arranged by their so-called relatives.. 

  5. Should adapt our old Indian tradition of getting food by sitting on the earth, and this will reduce the wastage of food.

This has been really exciting till now and we should be very optimistic about this. There won’t be a waste of food, waste of money, waste of time and energy, rather there will be joyous family moments, happy faces in the wedding, ultimate enjoyment among all close ones, no more showoff and full of heart welcoming best wishes in the not so large weddings.

Our society needs to understand that the COVID situation will affect our society financially and physically too. Weddings are a ritual where two families come together and give blessings to the bride and groom. Blessing of other family members is important too but we need to understand the situation and cope-up with it. There are lots of fallacies in our society, we need to come forward and break. Indian rituals are the best in the world. It is the time when we can show the world “What we can do for our society?”


  1. Did u experience Indian wedding in this pandemic situation ! It has a good site also Indian people used to waste a lot of money on their weeding , now they can save little bit of money . Most important weeding can be happen without inviting a lot of guest.

    1. Yes offcourse... Marriage is about two soul to understand the importance of marriage rather to show-off.

  2. Nice article on today reality...Many poor people suffer due to wedding arrangements.

    1. Yes agree... We all should understand everyone is not blessed with good financial conditions.


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