Customer Co-creation – Top Companies Customer is the replica of God for any business. Any organisation always works for their base customers. Always keeps in mind what my customer is looking for. Management studies give them a great concept of “Customer Co-creation”. What is Customer co-creation? Aric Rindfleisch and Matt O'Hern define customer co-creation as "a collaborative NPD (new product development) activity in which customers actively contribute and/or select the content of a new product offering" and state that, like all NPD processes, it consist of two steps, contributions) namely contribution (of content) and selection of the best . We are “just Pure.. Nothing Else..” so let’s understand this definition in a bit simple form. Co-creation is just participation of customers to the business freely and put their effort for focusing on customer experience and their feedback. Co-creation is a betterment of the product. Study says 5...
"Just Pure Nothing Else" This is a platform where a self-made boy pours this thoughts upon unique topics and delivers a great content. His thoughts are "Just Pure" and he do not write with any promotional or speculative intention, thus its "Just Pure" and "Nothing Else". The aim of the Author is to bring the great minds upfront to discuss the important topics for betterment of the human kind. With his Just Pure thoughts and Nothing Else Manish Kumar Hate